
Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an import/export option?

I recommend using the Shortcuts integration to import and export data. This allows you to customize the exact data format to suit you. Here are some example shortcuts to get started:

Export Category – export a csv file of events for a single chosen category, no configuration required.

Export All Categories – export a csv file of all events for all categories, no configuration required.

Import Category – this is a template for the type of Shortcut needed to import data into Chronicling, but will need to be modified to match the format of your data. Depending on the size of the input file, you may need to enable “Allow Sharing Large Amounts of Data” in Settings.

Import from Done – this shortcut is an example of the Import Category shortcut above customised to support the csv format exported by the Done app. It creates all necessary Categories (for habits) and Groups (requires Premium).

Why isn’t sync working?

To sync data between devices automatically, each device must be logged into an iCloud account with iCloud Drive enabled.

Is Chronicling Premium shared with my Apple Family?

Yes, both subscriptions and the one-time lifetime purchase option are eligible for family sharing. Once purchased, if it doesn’t automatically apply to family members devices, please tap restore purchases.

Note that for in-app purchases to be shared, users must share a payment method, as per App Store requirements.

The watchOS app isn’t loading

The watch app relies on iCloud sync to share data with the iOS/iPadOS apps. On first launch, it can take a little while to sync your categories, as indicated by the loading spinner. Please leave the app open for a minute or so to complete this first time sync. If it still fails to load, please get in touch!

Why is the Find.. Shortcuts action not working?

There appears to be a bug in iOS 18 which causes filtering in find actions to fail when using a variable, which I’ve submitted as feedback (FB14741165).

It is possible to workaround this by directly choosing the filter value in the action. You can read more about this in this Mastodon thread.

Why is long pressing the category no longer adding an event?

This gesture had to be removed in v1.2.13 in order to fix some issues around list selection in the underlying framework. It is replaced by an option to add an event whenever the icon is tapped, which can be enabled in Settings.


If you have any questions not answered here, or feedback about the app, please email me at