
  • Counts, New Charts and Journal Suggestions: v1.3 Update

    This week, v1.3 of Chronicling launched, bringing a number of new features to make tracking even faster and more flexible. The highlight is the ability to add a count to each event, so you can now track, for example, pages read, miles walked, or liters of water. A default can be set for each category,…

  • Apple Vision Pro Launch Ready

    Apple Vision Pro Launch Ready

    I’m excited to share that Chronicling is ready to launch on Apple Vision Pro this Friday. This new version brings the familiar features of the iOS and iPad apps into the immersive realm of visionOS, with a unique addition. On visionOS, you can place widget-like windows for each category around your space, wherever works for…

  • Chronicling 1.2: iOS 17 and watchOS 10 Update

    Chronicling 1.2: iOS 17 and watchOS 10 Update

    hronicling 1.2 will be released on Monday 18th September to coincide with the release of iOS 17, bringing with it a number of new features